Yes, I do love BNL...

Yes, the BNL concert was AWESOME! It is ironic that we seem to get just a bit closer to them each time they're in town, but no need to be jealous. Ed is far too busy galavanting across the world to take time out just for me. He is quite handsome, though, not to mention a great singer and guitar player...
Hey, a girl can dream, right? Remember hon, you won those tickets that let us get oh so close to the stage!
Mi bambina is obsessed with BNL!

On Saturday we went to the BNL concert at the Rose Garden. I am not sure if it was the second row seats or the fact that my bambina has always been a fan of BNL. Before we met she had seen them twice in concert. Since we met we have seen them twice in concert and a guest appearance at Music Millineum where she met Steven Page *(See July 28, 2005 post). When we saw them last year with Alanis Moressette I was impressed. This past weekend I became a true fan. Although, I always thought that my bambina was obsessed with Steve Page, now I have learned that it has always been Ed Robertson. I am not sure if I should continue to encourage her obsession, but then again it is simultaneously unbelievable and scary how much closer we get to these guys as we follow their success.