May 14th Mariners Game
We had the opportunity to go see the Mariners play the
Red Sox in Seattle on Saturday with my brother and his
wife. We drove up late Saturday afternoon and took a
bus from Tacoma to Safeco. We got to eat fantastic
Safeco fare (sushi for him, bbq sandwich for me) and
enjoy a beer and peanuts as well. We really enjoyed
the game, though the Mariners lost. It was nice to
share the experience together.
Me, my bambina, and Snow Patrol.

Hanging with Snow Patrol on May 3, 2005.
Welcome friends!
I would like to introduce you all to those special moments in our lives. On May 3rd, we got the opportunity to meet the band Snow Patrol at a private concert in Portland, Oregon. We met them and took this picture with them. They also autographed some portraits of the band they had lying around for us. Gary Lightbody and Nathan Connolly rocked at the show. I can't wait to look back in twenty years and wonder what they are doing then.