Io adoro mi bambina
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Getting Organized
We recently bought some new bookcases for our office to replace our bachelor-style brick and board shelving. These awesome Ikea ones go almost to the ceiling and have really made the room look nice. Now if we could just hide all the computer stuff...
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Another year...
I can't believe it's already January and Jorge's birthday is Monday. Time has flown by this year and looking back at my calendar for 2008, I'm amazed at all that went on. We had a fabulous trip to Vegas with some great friends, I started a new job, quit my part-time job (finally) and reconnected with some old friends. Whew!
So what are my resolutions for 2009? 1. Be more true to myself. 2. Start taking better care of my body by eating better and exercising more as top priorities. 3) Learn to be more efficient at managing money. 4) Take graphic design classes. 5) Learn to minimalize - we have soooo much stuff we never use! 6) Post to my blog more - thanks to Shari's inspiration.
Here's a great photo of Jorge with his now 18 year-old niece Alexis and now 4-year nephew Ivan at a family birthday celebration earlier this month.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Oh what a wintry mess

So the last two weeks here in Portland have been plagued with snow and snow and ice and more snow. While we haven't got nearly the amounts some cities get on a regular basis, it's done plenty to change our lives for the time being. We've been stuck at home most of the time, only able to finally get a car out today, into the messy, slushy streets. Here's a view from the top of our hill where several mail trucks and other have gotten stuck. I never thought we'd be so happy to see Oregon rain.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Little Gems

It's been a while since I've posted. Shame on me. I think I'll make it a resolution to keep more up to date.
Anyway, I recently lost ALL of my photos (honeymoon pics included) from my laptop, so today it was quite a joy to find this picture and a few other gems stored neatly on a photo cartridge in our camera.
These are two of our favorite people - Tiffany and Jayden, when we went to a Timbers game back in September. Enjoy!
Saturday, April 05, 2008
She's not ours, but isn't she adorable? This our new niece, Carlie Rose. She was born on April 3rd at 1:44pm and weighed 9lb 1 oz and is 20 1/2" long. We tried to take her home with us, but Rob and Katie just wouldn't have it, darn them!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Sand Skills
Finally, a day of rest. I had the whole weekend off so we took Saturday and drove to Astoria to check it out. We headed to Fort Stevens so we could walk on the beach before wandering around town, finding a killer bakery and hitting a Rogue brewery for lunch (I don't recommend eating there).
You can see my mad skills shined through as I expressed my love in sand art.